The eighty-fourth UQSay seminar on UQ, DACE and related topics will take place online on Thursday afternoon, March 6, 2025.
2–3 PM — Elena Di Bernardino (Laboratoire Jean Alexandre Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur) — [slides]
Curvature measures for random excursion sets: theoretical and computational developments
The excursion set of a smooth random field carries relevant information in its various geometric measures. Geometric properties of these exceedance regions above a given level provide meaningful theoretical and statistical characterizations for random fields defined on Euclidean domains. Many theoretical results have been obtained for excursions of Gaussian processes and include expected values of the so-called Lipschitz-Killing curvatures (LKCs), such as the area, perimeter and Euler characteristic in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In this talk we will describe a recent series of theoretical and computational contributions in this field. Our aim is to provide answers to questions like:
- How the geometric measures of an excursion set can be inferred from a discrete sample of the excursion set;
- How these measures can be related back to the distributional properties of the random field from which the excursion set was obtained;
- How the excursion set geometry can be used to infer the extremal behavior of random fields.
Organizing committee: Pierre Barbillon (MIA-Paris), Julien Bect (L2S), Nicolas Bousquet (EDF R&D), Vincent Chabridon (EDF R&D), Amélie Fau (LMPS), Filippo Gatti (LMPS), Clément Gauchy (CEA), Bertrand Iooss (EDF R&D), Alexandre Janon (LMO), Sidonie Lefebvre (ONERA), Didier Lucor (LISN), Sébastien Petit (LNE), Emmanuel Vazquez (L2S), Xujia Zhu (L2S).
Coordinators: Sidonie Lefebvre (ONERA) & Xujia Zhu (L2S)
Practical details: the seminar will be held online using Microsoft Teams.
If you want to attend this seminar (or any of the forthcoming online UQSay seminars), and if you do not already have access to the UQSay group on Teams, simply send an email and you will be invited. Please specify which email address the invitation must be sent to (this has to be the address associated with your Teams account).
You will find the link to the seminar on the "General" UQSay channel on Teams, approximately 15 minutes before the beginning.
The technical side of things: you can use Teams either directly from your web browser or using the "fat client", which is available for most platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android & iOS). We strongly recommend the latter option whenever possible. Please give it a try before the seminar to anticipate potential problems.